Dear God...
I have reached a place where i feel so destitute, empty,
like a tree busy dying from the root up. My heart beat weakens day by day
and even when the sun is out my heart feels only the dark of the night, as if i
am walking without sight i stumble and fall over every day just
waiting for the big Plunge, into the unknown, where the final curtain for me
will be drawn. Where has this happy person that was once filled with dreams of
hopes and a bright future, a devotee to life, has now become detrimental, despondent to
my surroundings
My gentility seems to have erode as my kind heart withers
like the leaves of a tree.
Lord, how do i neutralize or correct the immutable, to
which my heart has become so obscured?
Lord, i come to tell You simply that i love you and that i need
You and that there is no other place than in Your arms, i wish to be. I came to
tell You that i am sorry for running in circles and for placing my focus on my
ways and not on Your Grace knowing that You are the only one that brings
me through the storm, Lord i am so forgetful but you always
remind me that You are the only one who brings me Peace.
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